Huwebes, Hunyo 16, 2011


Ipinaskil ni hanelie sa 12:51 AM
 A Friend

Friends are like a coin in the road that hard to find.
Now a days we cannot be sure enough if the person we consider as friends are a friend for real or not.
for me a i can only consider a person to be my friend if both of us already know each other very well, we share our success and failures with each other without feeling shy or hesitated..
A friend that well listen to my tantrums and dramas in life.
A friend that well accept me for who and what i am,and can tell me if what i do is wrong or right..can be my conscience and always their supporting with what i choose to do with my life.
Ready to back me up in times of trouble and i can trust with my secrets and feel secure  that she will never tell it to anyone....

My Love
My love, I have tried with all my being to grasp a form comparable to thin own,but nothing seems worthy;
I know now why Shakespeare could not compare his love to a summer's day.
It would be a crime to denounce the beauty of such a creature as  thee, to simply cast away the precision 
GOD had placed in forging you.

Each facet of your being whether it physical or spiritual is an ensnarement from which there is no release
I wish to stay entrapped forever,with you for all eternity.
Our Heart,Always as One....

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